The warm weather is bringing in more greens and mushrooms than we usually see this time of year. It is always a hopeful feeling to see the first crocuses popping their pretty heads out in city yards, and it's the same feeling as seeing the first tender nettles poking out to get a move on their long season of prickly take over. Nettles and crocuses are some of the first new green growth here when the weather tilts its head towards spring. Early daffodils are on there way. Chickweed and other tender greens are sprouting in mats soaking in the moist soil too. I think I will have a
real garden salad tonight.

chickweed and wood sorrel in my yard
At the markets this weekend:
Black Trumpets - only available at Ballard Market
Yellow Foot Chanterelles
Watercress - only at Ballard

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